Rebecca Hansen is a TEDx speaker and a transformational coach working with C-suite leaders to transform company culture, improve performance and increase wellbeing. 

Trained in business and sales principles by Dr. Myron Golden, and with a B.Sc. in Business, Asian Language & Culture as well as a M.Sc. in International Marketing & Management from Copenhagen Business School, Rebecca Hansen started her training career in 2016, facilitating trainings and workshops in cross-cultural communication and cultural awareness between her Chinese employer and Danish and Faroese clients. 

Rebecca continued delivering training sessions and workshops for companies and NGOs, and in 2020 additionally started coaching leaders and entrepreneurs in business, personal transformation and sales. Rebecca now delivers training sessions, workshops and coaching on a series of topics, all centered around personal and professional transformation and leadership. 


Whatever consistent circumstances any adult finds themselves in is a result of their internal programming. Their beliefs, thoughts, and their ability to amend these to their favor will determine their actions and inactions, and the outcomes that come as a result of that. 

Rebecca’s approach to coaching is centered around the individual and their ability to grow into the best version of themselves, thereby supporting the business, their teams and themselves at their highest level. Each individual has their own unique capabilities, and helping people access and strengthen those allows for a diverse and excellent team. 

With a background in coaching leaders and entrepreneurs, Rebecca understands how to help people grow in the context of business, stretch their mindsets for what is possible, understand their strengths and what to delegate, and accelerate people’s personal and professional accomplishments from a place of mental fitness and wellbeing. 

The coaching sessions and the core training sessions revolve around helping the participants understand themselves better, their emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and how this impacts their behaviors and thus performance and team culture. The training and coaching sessions will provide the participants with tools to optimize their internal programming for the purpose of elevating themselves and their teams.

The executive level group sessions revolve around understanding the vision of the organization, communicating it in a way that connects with employees, partners and clients, and aligns leadership across departments.


Personal development in an organizational setting helps leaders grow into an inclusive leader that is able to mentor a diverse team, to delegate, set boundaries, and perform efficiently in their role from a place of well-being.

A developed leader will be in a position to improve strategy, operations, and leadership from the stand-point of the organization and what is best for the collective. 

A developed leader will focus on solutions, and allow their opinions to be challenged to reach the best possible outcome. 

Developed leadership means moving from fear of failure to delegating, giving ownership, and as a result have a more agile and informed organization with high employee retention and satisfaction. 


I serve clients who are obsessed about personal development. People who are serious about the growth of themselves, their business and their teams. 

Clients who understand that their human resource is the most important input to their business. 

Clients who welcome being challenged in their current mindset, ways of working, and structures for the purpose of optimizing their business and the wellbeing of themselves and their teams. 

I deliver group workshops, trainings, and 1:1 sessions, all rooted in personal transformation. 


"I have worked with Rebecca and in our time together, I optimized my business and strengthened my personal growth.  With her support, I restructured and optimized my business, and delegated activities that was not needed to be performed by me. 

I got clarity on what I was doing what was not sustainable for the growth I wanted for my businesses, I was able to make hard decisions to cut off activities that I was personally attached to but did not support my vision, and I have since been able to grow myself and my business. 

I now place my time and energy on activities and projects that has unlimited growth potential for my business, while feeling more fulfilled with the work that I do. 

Furthermore, the work we did supported me in defining and raising my standards, and in making decisions in my personal life that was affecting my business. 

As a result, both my business and my personal life has improved immensely."

Ivan Munyengango
"I can’t express how Rebecca Hansen’s coaching has helped me in 2023. 

From elevating my thinking and mindset all the way to revamping and improving my goals, Rebecca was the step by step coach I didn’t know I needed. 

She does more that providing tools, she also helps in removing the inner beliefs that might hinder you in applying those tools. 

I cannot recommend Rebecca enough. It seems, often times, that what we are missing the most is the courageous confidence to go after what we truly desire. 

What I desired last year was to change the way I set goals, design new products and approach new customers.  I am excited to say that this year, we have the confidence and the systems to triple the goals we set for the year before. 

Rebecca is the professional companion that you need. If you needed a sign to book her for your business or just your personal goals, this is it. Do it, get her services. They are worth every penny"
Dominique Alonga
"I highly recommend Rebecca as a professional coach. 

Her authenticity, visionary approach, and attentive listening skills create an environment where personal growth is not just encouraged, but inevitable.

 She goes above and beyond to help everyone become their best selves and willingly shares her network to support that journey. 

Thanks to Rebecca, I made a pivotal decision during a lunch meeting with her, and the positive impact on my life and career is truly transformative. Under her guidance, I've not only become a Country Director but also found my voice as an active public speaker in areas I once doubted myself. 

Rebecca's coaching has been instrumental in helping me realize my potential and intentionally shape my path."
Liliane Nsengiyumva 
"During the pandemic, when everyone was suffering and no business was coming in, I asked Rebecca to provide my team her consultancy services. 

She gave her valuable time and completely changed our thought processes. My team had renewed enthusiasm to approach our client and we recorded our highest sale in the entire career of the company (20+ years). 

It was almost twice of our entire 2019 sales. We thank Rebecca for giving us her services during our difficult time and look forward to receive more of her expertise in the future."
Kamal K. Dhawal 


I see a world where people are able to live their best lives while serving in their genius at their highest level, continuously elevating themselves and others. 

A world where people create value from their authentic and creative selves instead of pursuing a version of themselves designed by others. 

A world where people have the tools and resources to transform into the most excellent version of themselves and lead a life of happiness, joy and personal freedom. 


My mission is to provide the tools and guidance for people to apply so they can transform into their highest serving and most elevated selves in the context of business. 

It is to feed into communities of people that uplift themselves and each other so we can all be better and live more fulfilling lives in our purpose and our genius. 

It is to continuously grow, transform, and serve people at my highest level and help others do the same. 


I believe that a sense of fulfillment in business supports leaders and teams to serve at their highest level, while being happy and satisfied with their work and producing greater results.

Personal freedom
I believe that everyone should have the autonomy to lead themselves and the tools to do so effectively.

I believe that we should continuously pursue personal transformation so we can keep elevating ourselves and our service.

Want to get in touch? Reach out on rh@rebecca-hansen.com
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